"Not Cybertron. California, maybe?"--Grimlock
Mini-Synopsis:Bored by the diplomatic functions on Cybertron, Daniel and Grimlock wander off and accidentally discover a secret chamber within Cybertron that transports them to an alternate world, Menonia. They meet a sorcerer named the Red Wizard, who convinces them to help him fight against his enemies, the followers of the Golden One. While Grimlock is enlisted to combat the Golden One's warriors, Daniel is unceremoniously tossed in a cell and meets a prisoner to explains that the Red Wizard is an evil sorcerer who imprisoned the Golden One in a cave ages ago. Meanwhile, the Autobots on Cybertron follow Daniel's trail and discover the chamber, which was used by the Quintessons to banish criminals to other dimensions, including a Quintesson sorcerer who became known as the Red Wizard. After recovering Daniel and Grimlock, the Autobots free the Golden One, enabling him to defeat the Quintesson.
Trivia Questions:
- Where was the dimensional disk located?
- Name the Quintessons who were banished, and where they were sent to.
- Daniel and Grimlock sure have to go through a lot of acrobatics (and dangerous ones, at that, given that they very nearly don't make it across the ledge at the end of that long slide) just to get to the dimensional disk. Does it makes sense for the Quintessons to have had to go through all this every single time they wanted to get rid of a criminal? (It's not like they could have just tossed the offenders down the slide, since somebody had to go down there to record which Quintessons were sent to which worlds.)
- Grimlock activates the dimensional disk completely by accident when he swats it with his tail, but once the Autobots find the place, Ultra Magnus walks right up to the carvings on the wall and touches the picture to activate the disk. How does he know to do that?
- After Grimlock accidentally turns on the transporter disk and Daniel asks what he's done, Grimlock responds "Make mistake?" without moving his mouth. He does this again later during the battle, when he's calling for the Red Wizard.
- Ramhorn seems to have gone mute. He just runs around making animal noises like Steeljaw in this episode, even though he was capable of speech in "Forever is a Long Time Coming." I guess they pulled a Ravage with him, too.
- When the Brown Wizard (or whoever that guy is) implores to the Golden One, "Help us to free you!" he's not moving his mouth.
- Here's something new and different. After Blaster helps the Golden One by amplifying his spells, when Blaster transforms back to robot mode, he makes the usual sound effect, and then his fists and head make a little "pop" sound when they emerge. It's kind of cute, actually, but I just wouldn't be me if I didn't point out that he never does this before or since.
- Daniel's wearing a tie at the beginning of the episode, but it suddenly disappears when he's wandering around on Cybertron. (This is well before anything happens to him that might cause it to come loose.)
- When Danny falls down the chute and manages to grab the ledge on the other side, close inspection reveals that he's not actually clinging to the top of the ledge at all, but just beneath it. That boy must have fingernails of steel.
- After Grimlock grabs the ledge, as he's climbing over it, he's got four dinosaur claws on his wrists instead of three.
- After teleporting to Menonia, when Grimlock confronts the tree-creatures, there's a scene where his little dino tummy is grey instead of gold.
- I think it's ridiculously funny that after the creatures encase part of Grimlock's leg in ice, he spontaneously falls on his back. Do you know how difficult it would be for him to fall straight back with that huge dinosaur tail in the way?
- Later, when Grimlock manages to break the ice, the claws on his foot are grey instead of gold.
- When Blaster ejects the cassettes in order to track down Daniel, they do it without any button-pushing on Blaster's part. Later, when he ejects Rewind to decipher the wall carvings, he has to press his his eject button to do it.
- In the flashback, as told by the Red Wizard, there's a scene where those weird wooden robots are on top of the castle, fending off the minions of the Golden One. Cut to the very next scene, and the minions are still being driven away, but the wooden robots have been replaced by those four-armed squid aliens.
- When Ultra Magnus orders Perceptor to stay behind, Perceptor's face is black instead of light grey. Also, those triangles on Magnus' chest are colored blue, as though they were part of his chest armor, instead of red like the rest of his chest.
- When Danny is freeing the Red Wizard, the color of the blade of his little laser-knife thing switches from blue to red.
- Grimlock is missing his Autobot symbol as he's deflecting the rocks with his sword that are being catapulted toward the castle. (Also, he's drawn really... oddly in this scene. They've got him all curved-off and humanoid-shaped.)
- When the wind picks up, Daniel's collar flies off his tuxedo, which of course allows the Autobots to find him. You'd think this collar would have been buttoned down or something; a strong wind shouldn't have been enough to yank it off. Even if that were the case, though, the collar only shows up for that one scene--Daniel didn't have it before, and his outfit doesn't look any differently after he loses it.
- So, this Golden One... why is he wearing a chalice on his head?
- After the Golden One changes to dragon form, in the next scene, the castle is vibrating slightly because somebody kept moving the animation cel a bit during filming.
- No pop culture references in this one, but there is a rather interesting parallel between part of this episode and the Bible. The Golden One being tossed in a cave whose entrance was sealed with a large rock is exactly what they did to Jesus after he was crucified. (The main difference being that they didn't bother to kill the Golden One first. This is children's programming, after all.)
- Planetary corridor CB-11-B4.
- Al-Baduur was sent to an ice world, Mirdain was sent to a realm with no physical form, and Mara Al-Utha ended up on Menonia.
©1999 Inspiration StudiosThis Page Created 12/12/2002
Last Update: 1/1/2002
©2002 Inspiration Studios