"Might makes right."

Profile: Drivetrain is a strong but simple-minded Autobot.  Complex battle strategies tend to go over his head.  The use of most sophisticated weaponry eludes him, too.  Even the art of conversation is largely lost on him.  He prefers to let his fists do the talking for him—a tendency that has gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion.  His hands are his deadliest weapons, and he doesn't hesitate to use them.  Drivetrain is a loyal and kind-hearted Autobot, but he is also quick to anger.  Like a human child, he often throws temper tantrums when things don't go his way.

Abilities:  In vehicle mode, Drivetrain travels at 150 mph.  He uses a rear-mounted particle accelerator cannon, designed to create a dramatic increase in the temperature of objects, superheating them until they explode.  In robot mode, he carries a cyclone gun that creates rotary shearing forces in any target he chooses until they literally rip themselves apart.  He also uses a shoulder launcher that fires gyro-destabilizer bombs.  Despite his powerful armaments, Drivetrain prefers to use his body as a weapon.  Sometimes he won't even take his weapons into battle at all, since he greatly prefers to kick, punch, or head-butt his way to victory.

Weaknesses:   Drivetrain's biggest problem is that he lacks discipline.  He frequently allows his anger to get the better of him.  He's also not very good at following orders—not because he doesn't want to obey, but because he tends to forget what he's been told.

STR: 8  INT: 3  SPD: 6  END: 9
RNK: 7  CRG: 10  FPW: 6  SKL: 5


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This Page Created 1/4/2013
Last Update: 2/25/2013
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©2013 Inspiration Studios

Drivetrain (from "S.O.S. Dinobots")