Mini-Synopsis:The Autobots are watching Teletraan II's footage of the fight between Metroplex and Trypticon (see "Five Faces of Darkness" part 5), when Teletraan informs them that Trypticon was not destroyed as they'd assumed. In fact, Trypticon had been healing on Dinobot Island, until Octane found him and decided to bring him to Carbombya. They manage to convince Abdul Fakkadi that he needs them to defend his country from invaders, but they're consuming so much oil that he starts demanding gold and even world monuments in exchange. The Autobots find some of Trypticon's energon cubes at the site where Fort Knox was stolen, and determine from the residual dinosaur transform static that Trypticon was responsible. Meanwhile, Galvatron tracks Octane to Carbombya and berates him for stealing Trypticon, but Octane placates him with the super-energon he's made from the Carbombyan oil. In the end, the Autobots drive the Decepticons away, and Metroplex returns the monuments to their rightful places.
Trivia Questions:
- What was the company name for the cruise ship that Trypticon attacked?
- How many barrels of oil does it take to feed Trypticon for one day?
- Where did Teletraan II get that fight footage from, exactly? Metroplex and Trypticon didn't say any of those things in "Five Faces of Darkness" part 5.
- I realize that Octane and Trypticon leaving behind the energon cubes is a necessary plot point, but it just strikes me as amazingly stupid that they'd just up and forget about them. I mean, we're not talking about a leftover cube that Trypticon didn't bother to lick clean. There were several of them, and they were filled to the rim with Brim. (Hey, get me! I'm a Junkion!)
- Fakkadi eventually sets the Decepticons on strict oil rations, but later on we see that Octane's still cranking out those cubes with his little machine, and he's got a pile of at least a dozen fully-charged energon cubes. I can certainly see how Octane might ignore the Supreme Military Commander's orders, but how long does he expect to be able to do it in plain sight?
- There are two problems with the interrogation of the Dinobots. For starters, the Autobots don't use energon cubes, so that should have tipped them off that the Decepticons were involved right there. (Yes, I know what the movie said. I also know that Ratchet said, "But where would Mirage get energon cubes?" in "Traitor.") Even if that's not the case, though, none of the Dinobots could possibly have stolen Fort Knox, dinosaur transform static or no. Six-Gun does finally realize that Trypticon is the only dinosaur large enough to make off with the building. You'd think it would be obvious that, except for Metroplex, he's the only Transformer big enough to do it!
- The Transformers cartoon universe strongly parallels the real world in some ways, and goes against everything we know in other respects. One of these differences, apparently, is that the Soviet Union never collapsed in 1991. (Either that, or they'll find some way to reinstate it in the real world before 2006 rolls along...that should prove interesting.)
- Metroplex speaks without moving his mouth twice in this episode. The first time is when he protests that he didn't steal the Kremlin, and the other is when he confronts Trypticon near the end of the episode.
- When the Autobots are watching Teletraan's home movies at the beginning, Grimlock's there in robot mode, with a yellow head instead of black. In the next scene, he's in dinosaur mode, and a moment later he's in robot mode again.
- When Rodimus is talking with Teletraan II, he switches from a Rodimus face to a Hot Rod face. (It also looks like he's playing with an Etch-A-Sketch or something when he's adjusting Teletraan's controls.)
- In Carbombya, when Octane is warning Trypticon not to waste his energy, the top half of Octane's chest is colored grey instead of dark blue.
- When Trypticon stops strolling along so Octane can explain the benefits of remaining in Carbombya to him, Trypticon's missing the Decepticon symbol on his left leg. He's missing both symbols a moment later when Abdul Fakkadi arrives to greet them.
- When we first see Trypticon refueling, it looks like he isn't drinking from the energon cubes--he's eating them whole, with crumbs and things flying from his mouth. Later on, he does actually start drinking from the cubes (this very episode does state that energon's a beverage, after all) but when once he's done with them, instead of being empty and transparent, they turn to a dull orange. Octane's cube does the same thing just before Galvatron shoots it out of his hand.
- When Galvatron and the Decepticons first arrive in Carbombya, there's a robot with them who looks like Bombshell, but he's colored like Beachcomber. Also, Ramjet and Dirge both show up in this episode, even though they were supposedly destroyed by Ultra Magnus in "Five Faces of Darkness" part 5.
- That guy interrogating the Dinobots is called Six-Gun, named so because his robot mode is formed from Metroplex's six weapons (along with some of the city towers). What's interesting about the interrogation scene is that Metroplex is standing there, and he's still equipped with his shoulder guns. By all rights, Six-Gun should be armless.
- When Scamper (the little black car) rolls up and addresses the Dinobots, Grimlock's in dinosaur mode and he's missing his entire lower jaw. (Ah, that's why the jaw is removable on the PVC figurine... so you can re-enact yet another obscure third-season moment!)
- When the Decepticon attack the Aerialbots, Dirge is colored like Ramjet. (They have different wings, you see.) Later, when Galvatron interrupts Fakkadi's broadcast for help, there are two Dirges present, but one of them is colored like Ramjet again.
- Near the end of the battle in Carbombya, when the Autobots are all firing at the 'Cons, there are two Rodimus Primes in the group (one is actually Grimlock colored like Rodimus), two Blurrs, and two Perceptors.
- When Air Raid is gunned down, he bellows, "Goodbye, cruel world!" just before he... well, doesn't crash. This quote has become such a cliché, though, that I've been unable to pinpoint its origin.
- Luxury Cruises.
- Trypticon consumes 60 energon cubes an hour, and it takes 1000 barrels of oil to make one energon cube, so Trypticon consumes 1,440,000 barrels of oil in a 24-hour period.
This Page Created 12/11/2002
Last Update: 1/1/2002
©2002 Inspiration Studios